Archive for May 21st, 2010

Yep, that’s me!

I tried to find a picture to illustrate that I am running around like a chicken with its head cut off, but the images were all too gory. Not a nice sight for you, me or the chicken. So just trust me when I tell you that I am in a total dither getting the last of everything packed up, chores done, a few errands run so I’ll be ready to board the plane at o’ dark 30 tomorrow morning.

Unfortunately I still can’t find a few things, like the apple corer that I was going to take to James and Cena. (I know I put it in a safe place so it could be grabbed easily when the time came.) And there are still a few more things on my list to do, but hopefully before nightfall I will be done and happy with the results. Once I am out the door at 5:15am, sitting in the airport shuttle, heading north to SeaTac, there is no turning back so I can finally relax!

Lauralee relax?
Can’t use those two words in the same sentence!