Archive for May 5th, 2010

Under the Knife

UPDATE: May 5, 2010 ~ 3:30pm
Dave is progressing as well as can be expected for anyone recovering from major surgery. His surgery was for removal of a Spigelian hernia. The genius who detected the hernia is Dr. Alex Nagy who “got it” in two weeks. Dave tells me he is an “Hungarian man who is an expert on hernias and pioneer of laparoscopic surgery.” He did an amazing job! I am in total awe of what Dr. Nagy was able to discover inside my son, especially after 15+ years of Dave searching for answers.

ORIGINAL POST: May 5, 2010 ~ 12:05am
Yesterday my son, Dave, underwent surgery to remove a growth that has caused him immense pain for years. The pain went undiagnosed for over 15 years, even with a myriad of tests, scans, x-rays, MRIs, and every other test you can imagine. No one could ever find out the cause of his terrible pain!

Over the years Dave has been to so many doctors for this condition, exploring every corner of the medical field, all without success. Finally he found the smartest doctor! “The Man” who understood what was going on inside Dave’s abdominal wall, and best of all this doctor knew how to fix it. Hidden from normal view was an abdominal herniated tumor.

Now exorcised forever!

Incarcerated Abdominal Herniated Tumor

Notes: Axial CT scan shows defect in lower abdominal wall (arrow) that has incarcerated lower abdominal hernia within it (arrowhead). The scanned picture was taken from the internet. It is not Dave’s actual tumor, but it will give you an idea of approximately where the action took place.

Too much information?
You only want the bottom line?
It comes direct from the doctor’s mouth.

“No more pain Dave!”

P. S. Happy 9th Anniversary today to Lisa and Dave!
Congratulations, you couldn’t ask for a better gift!